Sunday, November 4, 2012

Brown 26 Kumar 11 & 12

          Even though we have discussed it many times in this class and other classes, I have realized after reading these chapters how important it is to bring every student’s cultural background into the classroom. We have talked a lot about teaching children about the culture around here, but also allowing them to keep their cultural identity and share it with the class. When students begin to learn a new language, they are learning the culture, language, the people, etc., not just the actual language. Sometimes students feel like they are losing their original identity and eventually lose their other culture completely. It is our job as teachers to incorporate everyone’s culture into the classroom, so that no one feels lost or left out.
            When students are learning a second language, their teacher is a huge influence on what they learn about that second language, the culture, the people that speak it, etc. It is the teacher’s job to give them a non-bias and good view as to what the culture is like. You do not want your students to have a bad idea of what the culture is. You always want to incorporate their culture as well, so they are learning their new culture, but do not lose their other one. It talked about how it is important to let your students know that their language and cultural style is unique and wonderful. We are not trying to change their cultural background in any way; we are just introducing another one to them. It is important to constantly let them know how important their other cultural background is as well. Another thing the book said that I thought was great advice for every teacher was that we should create critical cultural consciousness among our students; it is an obligation not an option. We are the ones teaching the children their knowledge, so while doing so we need to do it appropriately.
            Deciding what the appropriate teaching materials are to use with your second language learners is a difficult task at hand as well. They need to be taught in an appropriate manner, so they do not lose their cultural background and understand how important it is to them. Also, the role of their home language is something that needs to be considered as well. These students are learning a second language, which can sometimes be difficult enough and on top of that have to learn the culture behind it and other important aspects of learning a new language. Teachers need to take into consideration the language that is being used at home and how it may affect their learning. Depending on how they use the language at home, how much they use it, where and when, etc. can affect how the child is going to learn their second language. Many of these aspects of learning need to be taken into consideration when teaching a second language to these students. 

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