Sunday, November 11, 2012

11.11 blog

           I was able to connect to a lot of different points they talked about while writing lesson plans and by evaluating your lessons. Brown talked about how it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of your lessons. It is always important to evaluate yourself, the students, and the actual lesson after performing a lesson with your class because you want to decide whether or not you can use it again. We have been taught over and over again in our education classes about how important it is to evaluate yourself after because if the students ended up not liking or, did not understand, or you found it difficult to teach, then there is no use in using that lesson plan again. It is especially important with second language learners because they are already learning something difficult, so a lesson they are learning for the day does not need to be complicated or confusing to make it even more difficult for them. Although you want to challenge them, you do not want to make lessons anymore complex or confusing for them than it already is.
            Something that is important in all lesson plans is the objective(s). The objectives are what the students are going to get out of the lesson being taught. It is important to make the objectives obtainable to each student. You want to be sure that your objective(s) are very clear to you and your students. An example of an objective is, “students will be able to count out loud to the number 10, three out of the five times they practice”. You want to be precise about what you expect from the students to learn after doing the lesson you planned.
            Kumar talked about when a teacher evaluates the effectiveness of their teaching, they can make sense of what happens in their classroom. Teachers need to take control of their classroom and learn how to prepare and evaluate their lessons correctly. Sometimes it may be really easy for a teacher to put a quick lesson together for their students, but it takes a devoted teacher to look back after all their lessons and think about whether it was effective or not. They need to continuously develop new and improved lessons that work for their individual students. Although a lesson worked one year with your set of students, the next year you may have completely different students and they may learn differently than your students from the year before.
            Although it is important to look at the specific lessons and decide whether they are effective or not, it is also really important to look at the bigger picture; evaluate your lessons and decide whether they are embedded in the overall goals of the curriculum. It’s important to make your lessons appropriate for your class, students, and individual children, but it is also important and necessary to embed it into the overall goal of the curriculum.
            There are very important aspects that go into making lessons and teaching your students a certain way. You cannot continuously use the same lessons year after year because students are different and you have to teach each individual as the unique person they are. 

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